Full description

## 1893-4

Addison Langhorne Steavenson was born in Darlington on the 4th of August 1836. He had three daughters (Anna, Frances, and Hilda) and a son (Addison Langhorn Junior). Sadly, his son died young.

Steavenson was elected a member of North of England Mining Institute and Mechanical Engineers on the 6th December 1855. He was elected member of Council in 1867 and in 1877 was elected Vice-President. He became President between 1893 and 1894. He was also elected Freeman of Berwick-upon-Tweed on the 14th of August 1856.

Addison Langhorne Steavenson died in 1913 at Hollywell Hall, Durham City.

During his lifetime, he contributed to many papers that were published in the Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers:
Vol XXXV ‘Transmission of power by steam’
Vol XXXVI ‘Remarks on a further discharge of lightning at the West Thornley Colliery, near Tow Law, on October 21st, 1886’ and ‘On the system of working Ironstone at Lumpsey Mines by Hydraulic Drills.’
Vol XVII ‘Notes on the Glacial Deposit or “Wash” of the Dearness Valley’
Vol XXI ‘Memoir of the late Lord Armstrong’
Vol XXIII ‘Memoir of the late George Baker Forster’
Vol XXXVI ‘Some results of experiments made to test the effect of sprayers upon the moisture of main roads at Brandon Colliery’

See also the article in [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addison_Langhorne_Steavenson).

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