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## 1878-81

George Clementson Greenwell was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the 25the of July 1821. He was educated at Darlington Grammar School, Percy Street Academy (under Reverend John Collingwood Bruce), and Edinburgh University. In 1838 Greenwell was apprenticed to Mr Thomas Emerson Forster and in 1845 he became resident viewer of Black Boy and West Auckland Collieries (County Durham).

In 1848 Greenwell worked at Marley Hill Collieries (County Durham); was sole charge of Radstock Collieries in Somerset between 1853 and 1863; and was agent and manager of Poynton and Worth Collieries (owned by Lord Vernon) between 1863 and 1876. After 1876 Greenwell practised as a consulting mining engineer and resided in Tynemouth and later Duffield.

Aside from the practical work at the collieries, in 1849 Greenwell compiled and published ‘A Glossary of Terms used in the Coal Trade of Northumberland and Durham’ and in 1850 compiled ‘A Practical Treatise on Mine Engineering’.

Greenwell was one of the founder members of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers in 1852 and sat on the on first council. In 1875 he was appointed Vice-President of the Institute and, four years later, was appointed President (1879 to 1881). In 1889 Greenwell was made an honorary member of the Institute.

During his life, Green well was a Fellow of the Geological Society of London, a member of the Manchester Geological Society (later acting as President on three separate occasions), and a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

George Clementson Greenwell died on the 6th of November 1900.

Taken from:
Transactions: The Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol XXIII, p124.
Greenwell, George Clementson (1888) A glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Northumberland and Durham. 3rd edn. Bemrose: London.
Greenwell, George Clemenston (1869) A practical treatise on mine engineering. 2nd edn. Spon: London.

Vol I, p256 ‘The Inflammability of Light Carburetted Hydrogen Gas’
Vol II, p31 ‘Observations on the Greater facility of Ventilating Dip than Rise Workings’
Vol II, p251 ‘Notes on the Coal field of East Somerset’
Vol IV, p193 ‘The Working Thin Seams of Coal, with observations on Lonwall and Board and pillar Work’
Vol VII, p105 ‘Remarks on Ventilation’
Vol X, p105 ‘The Somerset Section of the Bristol Coalfield’
Vol XIV, p93 ‘The Rating of Coal mines’
Vol XV, p81 ‘Tail Ropes’ in conjunction with Mr C Berkley
Vol XXIII, p145 ‘Remarks on Mr Hedley’s paper ‘On the Valuation of Mines for the Purpose of Local Taxation’
Vol XXV, p5 ‘Memoir of the Late Mr T E Forster’
Vol XXVI, p39 ‘Remarks on Anthracite’
Vol XXVIII, p197 ‘Presidential Address’
Vol XXX, p269 ‘ Remarks on leaving Presidential Chair’
Vol XXXII, p35 ‘The Duration of the Coal of Great Britain and Ireland’

See also the article in [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Clementson_Greenwell).

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